


My normal approach to writing has been to fly through it and fix the stuff later. Now I realise I’m always going to be fixing stuff later, so why not try and get things as right as possible at first draft? Having a higher quality of stuff to fix will hopefully mean less work later.


Part of this is to come up with great ideas I'm happy about. When I'm in doubt, I'll come up with at least 20 different ideas or lines of dialogue. Then I'll whittle the list down, choosing the one that best represents the character, their motives, and the story. I tend to find the best stuff comes out when I've really pushed myself - usually at around number 18 or 19 on my B20 list.


If it's a tie between which option will create the most interesting situation, go for the one that causes the most pain/problems. Case in point: Veronica Mars, the election result.


A relevant quote:


"Whether you make a kick ass story or not is not the point. The point is, for it to work, you and your fellow players are playfully playing as if this just gonna be great by the time its done: making choices, sifting through options, recalling patterns and motifs, creating new high and low points, forcing the characters into choices (that spark creative actions on the part of the players) and so on.


Draft, in short, is not a 'warm up.' "